Bupa Fergusson Apartments
January 2020
Bupa Care Services
McKenzie Higham Architects
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In order to meet the growing demand, the International healthcare group Bupa expanded their Fergusson Retirement Village. The new extension is a three-story, 5000m2 building, which houses 50 apartments (a mix of one and two-bedroom units) and a common dining and lounge area.

After providing buildability advice and technical support during the design phase, we then completed the construction of the new development.

The structure comprises of mass foundations with steel and AFS walls and is clad with brick, colour steel and weatherboard. A number of large foundations meant deep excavations and significant formwork were required. Although it is faster to erect than traditional precast concrete and steel walls, the AFS walls required a very high level of accuracy during the installation.

During the project the complex roofing system kept our team guessing; the roof is a mix of gables and troughs, which changes across the building. Right from the start of the ECI phase, our team worked closely with consultants to ensure the design was feasible. During construction, a very high level of coordination and precision was required to achieve the desired aesthetic.

To add further challenge, the facility’s location was on the corner of Fergusson Road in Upper Hutt. As this project was significant in size and in a busy area, it attracted large amounts of interest from passers-by and the public, and therefore required careful stakeholder management.

Bupa Fergusson is a modern, welcoming home for its new residents.

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January 2020
Bupa Care Services
McKenzie Higham Architects
News & Media
Related Projects